Friday, December 17, 2010

Bangkok Hilton (1989) Australian mini-series

15 years ago I watched this drama, now luckily I found it uploaded in Youtube. Very powerful and unforgettable drama and I dare say it is the best drama/movie Nicole Kidmen ever acted in all her life except in her movie "The Others" I just don't like her choice of movies. Other then Nicole, I think Denholm Elliott acting was of top notch. He made me feel all the disgrace, sorrow, sad, terrified feeling that his character went through.

Plot: Searching for her father at Bangkok airport, Katrina Stanton unwittingly becomes a "mule" for drug-smuggler Arkie Ragan. Captured by the authorities, Kat is charged with smuggling and locked away in a horrible prison known as the Bangkok Hilton.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Garashi shop

Garashi is singular and Garashia is plural. Garashi approximately is a nickname given to someone who's Iranian and who owns a shop to sell herbs, food supplies, sweets, etc. It is just like chinatown but in a small scale. Usually you can find them along the Corniche road in Sharjah. In front of the Corniche locate one of the old parts of Sharjah. The whole area is worth seeing especially Al Arsah Souq which located in the same heritage area.

Yesterday I went to one of the Garashi shop to find some herbs such as Pimpinella Anisum, Mustard seeds, etc. for a diet recipe (if I don't die and if it worked for me I will tell you the recipe in new post LooL).

Anyway here are some pictures. Hope you like it.

You can see the sea from the shop

Inside the shop

In the middle you can see the yellowish sugar. I think it is sugar with Zafran.
Say do you remember Iranian movie called "children of Heaven" the scene where the father was crushing chunks of yellowish sugar for a religious occasion to presented with the tea . I think it is the same one.

Ok do you see the brownish thing in the bottom down in the container. This is a sweet that I don't know its name LooL. Ahem nevertheless it taste sooo gooood BUT it has a very thick and heavy texture AND it is kind of sticky.
The white staff in the middle we call it kshkoh and some call it Jami but it is dry so I am not sure what it is called when dry. Anyway it is so salty. It is good for those with low blood pressure. It raises your pressure instantly. Notes in the picture you can see two packages. The classical form in the front (shapes like rocks) and in the back is the modern form. It is in the shape of small sticks. For elegance and easy eating hahaha.

black tar heroin (1999) documentary

This documentary made me thankful to god for my good family and my good uprising. Such an ugly true story of 5 black tar heroin addicted over around 3 years. From being relatively health to total devastation. The story of the guy with the red hair affected me more. Perhaps because I believe if someone stands by his side he will not turn, at the end, to a HIV/ male prostitute. It was really hard to watch.

You can find the film in Youtube.

Here is a part of the film

Jean de Florette & Manono of the Spring French Movie

Jean de Florette


Manono of the Spring (1986)

Two French movies both produced in 1986. First part is Jean de Florette tells the story of a greedy landowner and his nephew who block the only water source for a hunchback property in order to bankrupt him and force him to sell. The second part "Manono of the Spring" is the sequel and tells the story of the hunchback daughter and her revenge not only on the greedy landowner and his nephew but on the entire village who kept silence while her father suffered.

It is very touching and inspiring story. First part maybe considered, by some people, as boring but to me it was better than the second. I mean in total from plot to the inspiring acting by the great French actor Gereard Depardieu. I recommend both parts to everyone.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Guess the name

What do you think the name of this book?



You wouldn't guessed LoooL

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Central do Brasil (1998) Brazilian Movie

Central Do Brasil

Plot from Imdb : An emotive journey of a former school teacher, who write letters for illiterate people, and a young boy, whose mother has just died, in search for the father he never knew.

I recommend this movie because it will teach you how disappointing and how cruel the life is LoooL. I must confess I was depressed because of the main character especially with bus driver scene. I am not telling because I don't want to spoil it for you.

Please note: the plot is light and there is not too many actions or dialogue rather a simple and back to reality plot. I am giving it 4.5 stars because there are very few scenes made me bored. But overall it will leave you with strong impression. One thing that made me amazed is how illiterate the people in brazil? Made me wonder if this is real or not? Anybody knows?

Here is trailer of the movie

Beyond Rangoon (1995) American Movie

Beyond Rangoon

Is really one of the underrated movies. The movie is one of my favorites.

Review from Imdb "Laura is trying to pick up the pieces of her life after the murder of her husband and son, and goes on vacation with her sister to Burma. After losing her passport at a political rally, she is left on her own for a few days, during which time she falls in with students fighting for democracy. She and their leader, U Aung Ko, travel through Burma, whilst witnessing many bloody acts of repression by the dictatorship, in an attempt to escape to Thailand. Based on a true story."

I really recommend it because there is no cheap love story you usually find in American movies. It is pure straggle and survival plot. Not to mention the beautiful score by Hanz Zimmer. I enjoyed it and I believe you will too.

Here is part of the movie