Saturday, December 11, 2010

Central do Brasil (1998) Brazilian Movie

Central Do Brasil

Plot from Imdb : An emotive journey of a former school teacher, who write letters for illiterate people, and a young boy, whose mother has just died, in search for the father he never knew.

I recommend this movie because it will teach you how disappointing and how cruel the life is LoooL. I must confess I was depressed because of the main character especially with bus driver scene. I am not telling because I don't want to spoil it for you.

Please note: the plot is light and there is not too many actions or dialogue rather a simple and back to reality plot. I am giving it 4.5 stars because there are very few scenes made me bored. But overall it will leave you with strong impression. One thing that made me amazed is how illiterate the people in brazil? Made me wonder if this is real or not? Anybody knows?

Here is trailer of the movie

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