Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Garashi shop

Garashi is singular and Garashia is plural. Garashi approximately is a nickname given to someone who's Iranian and who owns a shop to sell herbs, food supplies, sweets, etc. It is just like chinatown but in a small scale. Usually you can find them along the Corniche road in Sharjah. In front of the Corniche locate one of the old parts of Sharjah. The whole area is worth seeing especially Al Arsah Souq which located in the same heritage area.

Yesterday I went to one of the Garashi shop to find some herbs such as Pimpinella Anisum, Mustard seeds, etc. for a diet recipe (if I don't die and if it worked for me I will tell you the recipe in new post LooL).

Anyway here are some pictures. Hope you like it.

You can see the sea from the shop

Inside the shop

In the middle you can see the yellowish sugar. I think it is sugar with Zafran.
Say do you remember Iranian movie called "children of Heaven" the scene where the father was crushing chunks of yellowish sugar for a religious occasion to presented with the tea . I think it is the same one.

Ok do you see the brownish thing in the bottom down in the container. This is a sweet that I don't know its name LooL. Ahem nevertheless it taste sooo gooood BUT it has a very thick and heavy texture AND it is kind of sticky.
The white staff in the middle we call it kshkoh and some call it Jami but it is dry so I am not sure what it is called when dry. Anyway it is so salty. It is good for those with low blood pressure. It raises your pressure instantly. Notes in the picture you can see two packages. The classical form in the front (shapes like rocks) and in the back is the modern form. It is in the shape of small sticks. For elegance and easy eating hahaha.

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